ABC had originally offered a press release that Pushing Daisies, Eli Stone & Dirty Sexy Money were canceled...horror of horrors! After watching William Baldwin on 'The Today Show' he has spread the news that ABC has decided not to cancel the show YET! They are giving it a chance to see if they can get back the audience they seemed to have lost. So if you are a fan (as I am!) Watch! Write ABC tell them how much you love the show! It's one of the few television series I am interested in these days... it's the Dynasty of the new Millennium. Just when it's starting to get really juicy we can't lose our show! Let's keep our fingers crossed. Don't give up yet kids!!!

It's Brittany Bitch!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
I Want My DirtySexyMoney!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ABC had originally offered a press release that Pushing Daisies, Eli Stone & Dirty Sexy Money were canceled...horror of horrors! After watching William Baldwin on 'The Today Show' he has spread the news that ABC has decided not to cancel the show YET! They are giving it a chance to see if they can get back the audience they seemed to have lost. So if you are a fan (as I am!) Watch! Write ABC tell them how much you love the show! It's one of the few television series I am interested in these days... it's the Dynasty of the new Millennium. Just when it's starting to get really juicy we can't lose our show! Let's keep our fingers crossed. Don't give up yet kids!!!
National Underwear Day....
Bryan David Thomas
Keanu: New Movie!
The absolutely delicious Keanu Reeves has a new movie. I haven't seen too much that makes me want to go to the movies lately...gotta love my Netflx! lol But I do enjoy watching whatever it is Mr. Reeves has to offer...well most of the time. He has remade a classic 'The Day The Earth Stood Still' . Many people love the original and hold it dear. Me... not so much. It's ok. So, I'm willing to give the oh so talented and oh so gorgeous Keanu's new re-telling a shot. Now if only I could have him appear under my tree this year!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
It's Britney Bitch!
I watched her 'comeback' performance on Good Morning America. And something was just a little off. She looked amazing, she seemed to be doing what she was supposed to do. But, she was not the Britney I used to see when ever she performed somewhere prior to her... shall we say difficult period. She was not dancing with her dancers throughout the numbers, she kind of went in and out of the routines. Reminded me of the 80s when Whitney did every 5th step. Say what you want about Ms Spears but she used to attack the dance floor like a Janet Jackson wannabe. Even when she later spoke with Diana Sawyer & crew there some kind of disconnect. It was as if she was there, yet she wasn't really there. This young woman has been through a hell of a lot in the last couple of years... maybe this is the new Britney that has made it through all that? Or perhaps this is just her getting her feet wet and she'll return to the Britney everyone remembers? I'm sure her die hard fans are just happy to have their girl back.
It's my fascination with Icons (which borders on fetish) that keeps this pop culture junkie's interest piqued. I wish Brit all the best. The Brits have to stick together lol!
performing new song Circus on GMA.....
Friday, November 7, 2008
Grace is causing a Hurricane
I was so nervous during my first listen of Grace Jones' new cd. I live, love and adore Miss Jones. But, lately the girls of her era have been not stepping up to the plate when it comes to new projects. So my expectations were askew. I didn't know what to expect. Well... much to my delight La Grace's new cd is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!
She far exceeded even my loftiest wishes. Girlfriend was not fucking around, she set out to make a true piece of art. You don't hear her trying to be something she not to get a hit song, just making good old solid music that will absolutely stand the test of time.
After hearing the first song released "Corporate Cannibal" I was afraid the whole album would sound like that...WRONG! While I did indeed like the song I didn't want a complete cd sounding like it. So many people these days are guilty of that.
Instead you get one of the most introspective varied albums shes ever done. She even does a ballad..something she hasn't really done since "I've Done It Again" from "Nightclubbing" Said song named "I'm Crying (Mother's Tears)" is one of the best on the album. As is "Williams' Blood"...what an amazing song this is. I can't stop listening to it. And then there's the fabulous "This Is' which starts with the lyric "This is my voice, my weapon of choice.."
Grace has proved that the girls of a certain age can still get in that studio and turn it the fuck out!
As a performer this woman gives me such inspiration. She has proven that talent is not something that fades. It cultivates with life experiences and gets richer and richer. This is by far the best album I have heard this year.
Thank You Miss Jones.
It's a new day...a beautiful day!
I can truthfully say America The Beautiful now and feel as though I mean it.
We are on our way.
Labelle: Back to Now
It's a fairly decent cd that should have been a stellar comeback. As a fan of these ladies I'm glad to have it...but all this does is make me hope for another album where they really get it right.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Uretha wants you to Touch Her Body!!!!!!!!!!!
Christina Aguilera's New Video...hmmmm?
A friend of mine is always saying people got shafted by someone when something comes out so awful. I usually don't agree with her, but this video is some obvious calculated shade thrown at my girl. It is way beneath her. I am such a fan... but watching this is painful. I don't think I can ever look again without my drink of the moment (an Orgasm)
Take a look, you guys it just me?
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Jennifer sings for the crew...
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
More Grace news....
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Grace Jones is a HURRICANE
It's finally on it's way! Grace Jones' new album is about to rear it's head any day now. After giving us a taste with Corporate Cannibal the big day is among us. I'm so fucking excited!! The album is called Hurricane and it's release date is October 28th. It's being released on the label WallOfSound and here is the track listing....
Grace Jones - Hurricane track listing:
* This Is
* Williams’ Blood
* Corporate Cannibal
* I’m Crying (Mother’s Tears)
* Well Well Well
* Hurricane
* Love You To Life
* Sunset Sunrise
* Devil In My Life
One of the songs from the album Williams' Blood....
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Jennifer Has Arrived!
Jennifer Hudson has finally released her long awaited debut album. And it is quite delicious if I may say so myself. I was so scared of what they may do with her. Some of her fellow Idols have had less than stellar debut albums in my opinion. Katharine McPhee comes to mind. I was so afraid they were going to give her all this "..And I'm Telling You.." ish sounding stuff, which would have been a huge mistake. But Clive Davis realized what I did (and many others) that this is a young woman with such an amazing instrument that given the right guidance she could do anything. While the album has a decidedly R&B sound it doesn't suffer from sounding all the same, and certain songs do have that elusive crossover appeal. Listening to the album it's amazing to realize that being in her mid twenties this is only the tip of the iceberg. As her voice grows, matures and gains more control she will truly be someone to be reckoned with for years to come. It will be lovely seeing this young lady grow. There's only one major mistake on the entire project and that is a track called "Pocketbook". Frankly it sounds foolish amidst all the other meticulously crafted songs. Then there's the duet with Fantasia. Good idea, nice attempt... it's nice but it's not half of what one would expect from these two very talented ladies . Doesn't quite do it.
The rest are a mix of good R&B, Pop friendly songs that gives you a sample of what she's capable of. Stand out tracks to me are Invisible, My Heart, We Gon' Fight, If This Isn't Love and To Love Somebody.
Now it's time for Jennifer to shine in the Spotlight!
Monday, September 22, 2008
It's All About Being Beautiful
This Jody ditty is cute. Who's next? It's a beautiful thing seeing the girls from my era prancing on the scene.....
Jody Watley's "A Beautiful Life"....
Saturday, September 20, 2008
....And You Know It!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
R Kelly Opens Up His Disgusting Mouth
I just watched R. Kelly give his first interview since being found innocent in his notorious sex-tape trail. BET (Black Entertainment Tom-foolery) is where this mockery of journalism took place. He was interviewed by BET staple Torre whom I love, that being the only thing tolerable about the entire interview. Kelly sat there if not dodging his questions, either out right lying ,making stupid lame excuses or just coming across as a complete illiterate asshole. It astounds me the poor command of the english language so many people have. And... he's a song writer? And that long in the tooth? Who helps writing these songs? Anyway.... Torre asked him out right if he liked young girls and he danced around that like Michael Jackson doing Billy Jean. Finally saying some bullshit like " how young? 19?"
He sat there with his overly jet black dyed hair, his face beat more than Joan Collins and talking more than shit than Bill O'Reilly. I don't know who he thought that was supposed to fool. The look in Torre's eyes while talking to him was one of annoyance & disgust. I myself found it assuming in a pathetic kind of way. I guess you can get away with anything if you have enough money. Talk about a pattern. We know about Aaliyah. We seen the tape. No one is THAT stupid.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
The Diana Effect
An increasing amount of people who know me have been asking why haven't I written anything about Diana Ross since I've had this blog. If you really know me you know why they're asking. Well... the honest answer is she hasn't done anything noteworthy lately for me to talk about. It's no shade. I still lover her. I will always love her. Although I'm older & wiser and see a multitude of things about her I would not & could not see years ago.... she will always be Mother. Trust me without Diana there would be no Beyonce and a whole bunch of other bitches of whom I won't even mention. She has opened up doors that people truthfully have not given her proper credit for opening. The slight she receives in this manner is perhaps due in part the maniacal-super-uber-diva-bitch persona she personified in her heyday. But look how many have followed and surpassed her by leaps & bounds. Madonna is such a bitch it's almost useless calling her one, J-LO is a notorious cunt, just to name a very few. Could it be because Diana is a black woman? I know in this twisted P.C. world people hate to hear you bring race into it, but..... it is what is is. If you think race isn't an issue in this country your a full on asshole. I mean how dare she demand & expect the same standards her fairer skinned counter parts did in her could almost see it as one one of those pop-ups from Vh1 when ever her name was brought up. Or the fact that she didn't (doesn't) have one of the strongest voices like the other black girls at the time ie: Aretha,Gladys,Dionne. So white women can have beautiful lush pleasant voices, but this black woman from Motown not her, no...hmmmmm.
Not many people in music (woman or man) had the kind of presence this woman had. After growing into her voice, she lost the nasal rawness of her early days & she had this pretty, smooth, relatable yet very distinctive sound that proved perfect for ballads. Those classic songs can be heard all over at all times of day somewhere in the world. In the mid eighties she lost touch with what the masses wanted from her, but she had a long,long run. Longer than most. She is a legend. When you have done the kinds of things she has done and made the undeniable kind of impact in what ever your choice of fields is, no one can take that away from you. She will always be Diana Ross. She will always be Supreme. And we that know will always appreciate her.
here is a song of hers that inspired this, I had not heard it in years...
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Boy George for Obama!
Question: Is he even allowed here in the good ole U S of A at the moment? I thought not... but nice anyway George. Obama needs all the support he can get at this time...
Palin's getting all the press. McCain who?
check the video...
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Grand Ole Cleavage
She was dressed exceptionally modest compared to the tacky garish fare most those country chicks love to wear. And....complaining about cleavage? can anyone say Dolly Parton! I lover her, but lets be real! I would love to know who these people complaining are anyway... after seeing the video everyone seems to be enjoying the surprising modestly dressed Miss Simpson. Compared to the girls her or not, she is dressed very tasteful. If they don't want to welcome her then be big enough and say it, don't make shit up.
take a look and you decide...
Monday, September 8, 2008
The Britney Awards
Britney Spears cleaned up @ the 25th Anniversary of the MTV VMA's. She was thin,lucid and her normal gorgeous self.. She's Baaaaaack! lol. After having more than 15 nominations she took all major moon men a year after her horrific "Comeback" & when she doesn't even have a current single out. You go girl. And when she first came out before she even spoke she got a standing ovation! Wonder what Kanye is saying now lol. In an uncharacteristically tame telecast with probably the worst host in recent memory (Russell Brand) Brit-Brit stole the show... and didn't even perform. Pink, Christina Aguilera & Rihanna turned in nice performances. They cut Katy Perry who I was waiting to see! grrrrr
No Diana grabbing a tit, no Martha Stewart presenting with Busta, no Lesbo kiss?
The VMAs gave us ALL this production but it was kinda tired. Oh well.....
But it was the Britney Spears show.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Patti.... I love you!
I had been wanting to see a good concert for quite some time. A lot of the artists of today do great videos, but . . . . I was longing to see a good live show. A friend suggested we see Patti Labelle . It was free in the Wingate Field Park in Brooklyn. I was never a huge Patti fan... a big Labelle fan but not the former. Well from the moment miss thing hit that stage opening with Queen's " We Will Rock You" (yes, I gagged too!) she had me!!!! I saw her once before live @ MSG and although she was good, I was not floored. This time? This bitch turned me out so much I sat there in awe savoring every minute of her. She PERFORMED! The voice, the banter, the presence, the love she showed to this drunk fool who she by the way made a part of the show... she made you just want to run up there and give her a hug. It was if I was seeing her for the first time. I saw her with new eyes. The reality is that I most likely am responding to the more relaxed, more mature, serene incarnation of this undeniably very talented woman. Well, you got me Patti. Now... I'm just waiting for this Labelle reunion project to surface... coming this fall. I can't wait!
Yep I'm Getting Older!!!!
I ended my summer with a kick-ass Birthday party with a bunch of good friends, good booze and all kinds of fun @ the downtown Saturday night party Family on Ave. C. With my sisters... (pictured above) Princess Diandra, Codie Ravioli & Tobell Von Cartier. Starting with a highly charged performance from recording artist Tobell and a ditty from yours truly all in attendance felt the love and got their party on. I want to thank all my friends & new friends for coming out and making this birthday one to remember! Ooo I'm getting too old for this shit! Muah
Princess' Diandra & Brittany
Saturday, August 30, 2008
The King Of Pop turns 50!!!!!
The King Of Pop turns the big 5 0!
Is it a coincidence that on this milestone of a birthday there has been another leak of a new MJ song? Hmmmmm..... NO! I don't think so. They are trying to keep Michael on your mind...all in preparation for this new album coming out "soon". Knowing Michael soon could be 2 yrs from now. Love how everything is called a "sneak" or a "leak" we all know by now it's on purpose. But I love you anyway Michael! Here's what the new song sounds like.....
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Beyonce's little sister Solange Knowles has done it. Impressed me! She had a album quite few season's back that didn't do it for me. From the sales of it didn't do it for a lot of people. A little time & maturity has done wonders for the younger Knowles offspring. I wondered when the other project came to light how the writer & co-producer of so many Destiny's Child music could have turned out something so bland, so unoriginal for herself. After listening to this I believe there were 2 reasons. 1) Label & managements then "direction" for her... the teen market and 2) Her believing despite those constraints she could turn out something relevant & please everyone. Well Amen to lessons learned. This time around girlfriend is giving us something fresh & new. Good lyric, good music, good production and pleasantly well sang. The first single "I Decided" is gorgeous! The whole set is due out this week... it's called "Sol-Angel" She has found a way to stand out on her own, out of her sisters shadow. And who ever doesn't see that is just plain dumb and/or a Beyonce drone. I have the entire cd and it's excellent!
She has found herself and made good quality music that stands on it's own. You go girl. I LOVE IT!
Here is the second video from the album. She's channeling her inner Diana Ross, but what girl worth their salt in the game doesn't these days. Enjoy.....
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
She's Beautiful Dammit!!!
This one may be my favorite
In this one she says she's paying homage to her Mother
Friday, August 8, 2008
Notable Mention!
I think that was just so that if she couldn't lose it she could say I never said I would LOL
But the rapper/actress/singer/spokesperson/producer has surprised even herself! I got one thing to say to you queen.... HOW YOU DOIN'? (wink)
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Some time we should just take the damn stairs!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Teen Chic?
And just so you know I'm not hating on the kiddies, some of the kids brought it like a winner. I don't believe I'm writing this, but even Miley Cyrus socked fierce ole Mama. She looked very cute... give her a few years and let's see what the tea will be... you go girl!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Whoa Nelly !!!!!!!!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
What's going on girl...what's really going on?
Pure cheap fun... get into it .....
Sunday, July 27, 2008
It's Whitney
Feeling Cun Feeling T... Bringing it Cunty!
He decided he wants an assistant or what ever he dare calls it. And he needs a reality show to help him on this latest quest of self indulgence & mass lunacy. Should make for excellent TV. Speaking of TV..... he has decided to go a step up and bring to the masses the first TS on network television. A black one no less! Shiver me timbers! And what's even better it's a girl I know, Ms Laverne Cox. Well this I gotta see. I'm so sick of the disgusting Flava Flav & the wanna-b-tranny-mess that is New York I'm eager to see this Vh1 reality show. Who'd have thunk! And Ms Cox should make this latest foray of transgendered life in the mainstream both entertaining & thought provoking. She has enough intelligence to make the average closed minded couch potato sit up & take notice and enough shows to make even the most seasoned city folk scream "ooo no she didn't!" Girlfriend is serious about her shit and I for one would live to see her turn it. So Laverne.. werk the Diddiness into a frenzy girl! Let her have it! Ooops I mean him :-)
get into the promo....
The diva herself Ms Laverne Cox
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Things That Make You Go Hmmmmm......
And being black, yes honey I'm Black...
I came across this particularly thought provoking video and wanted to share.
I hope you find it as interesting as I did.....
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
ladies & gentlemen Miss Grace Jones
Monday, July 7, 2008
This made me GAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now the official video in all it's lovely unfortunate stereotypical glory wasn't embedded so I couldn't post it. But I had to let you hear it. Here it's coupled with footage from "The Lion King" , which is kind of funny. But brace yourself.....
Time for some Grace in your Face!
Someone sent me an email containing this very titillating information. I am not sure if it is 100% true, because Mother is famously ambivalent about doing another full album (yes I called it an album! LOL) But, the rumor is Miss Grace Jones is about to release her first full "cd" since "Bulletproof Heart" I can only hope this is true. My fingers are crossed, everyone say a prayer... Lord knows we all are ready!
here's the info I received:
Grace Jones - pop icon of the '70s and '80s - has signed with Wall of Sound to release Hurricane, her first album since 1989's Bulletproof Heart.
Hurricane will be released on October 27. News of the singer's new deal comes days after she performed at the Massive Attack-curated Meltdown Festival on London's Southbank; an in-attendance Samuel Strang commented (when asked a second ago for an opinion), "she was fucking fantastic".
Mark Jones, MD of Wall of Sound, said: "It's an absolute honour and privilege to be working with Grace. No one has inspired more people whatever race, sex, colour or creed to be who they want to be and so much more. Her new album will not only re-establish her as one of the world's most important artists but also introduce her to a new generation of music lovers."
Jones reportedly simply offered a "Grrrrr" when asked to comment on the new deal. She'll play the Secret Garden Party in Huntingdon on July 26.Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Date for the LaBelle Reunion!
attached is an article from
Patti LaBelle |
In addition, the group, which comprises Patti LaBelle, Nona Hendryx and Sarah Dash, will perform July 5 in New Orleans as part of the Essence Festival at the Louisiana Superdome.
Although Labelle has performed live on numerous occasions since officially splitting up more than three decades ago, the group's spokesperson says the Essence set is its first public concert since January 1977.
Labelle is best known for the single "Lady Marmalade," which reached No. 1 on the Billboard pop singles chart in 1975. The track was famously covered in 2001 by Christina Aguilera, Lil' Kim, Mya and Pink on the "Moulin Rouge" soundtrack.
Patti LaBelle has a number of her own dates lined up this summer; next up is a show tomorrow (July 1) in Albuquerque, N.M.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Michelle Williams Is Turning It!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Jennifer Hudson's New Video!!!!!!!!!
Friday, June 20, 2008
My new addiction
I kept reading about this site and finally popped in one day and was instantly hooked! If you are as into music as I am this may be the site for you. It's free (for now) and it has a database of music that I find endlessly entertaining. It's a UK-based internet radio and music community website. It offers numerous social networking features and can recommend and play artists similar to the users favorites. I sit at the computer rediscovering music I hadn't heard in ages. Check it out...warning it's ADDICTIVE! :-)
The 1st IKEA in NYC!
Yes IKEA has opened their first store in the greater New York City area. No more does city folk have to trek out to New Jersey, or Long Island to visit the store that most New Yorkers seem to adore. There is now a store in Redhook, Brooklyn. My friends and I went to the Grand Opening. Spent lots of money and stood on many a line (sigh). It was quite an affair, all kinds of Brooklyn politicians were at hand for the opening, they were giving out free gifts... you get the idea. Welcome to the city IKEA!
I Just Luv Me Some Whoopi
Whoopi Goldberg hosted The Tony's this past weekend in NYC. She was in rare form. She was the Whoopi I always loved, the Whoopi that in my opinion doesn't get the chance to really shine on The View. The Whoopster is the only reason watching The View has become must-see tv for me these days. I must admit she does quite a good job on there dealing with the madness that is Elizabeth Hasselbeck. And although I really like her the oddness that is Sherry Shepherd . And, not only was Whoopi funny & whimsical & the wonderful Whoopi we all fell in love with, she looked FABULOUS! That fierce kid from Project Runway Christian Siriano whipped her in to fashionable shape and had her looking the most stylish she ever has! She even had on gorgeous shoes! You go Whoopi... I love you!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
He went on to tell me how this "friend" has been bad mouthing him to mutual friends, and bringing up things thought to be resolved from the past.
He wanted my advice as how to handle it.
Well I wrote a blog a while back somewhere else and I thought it was a good time to resurrect it.
Reading it once again reminded me of a few things myself . I'll share it here....
What an interesting word "friend" is.
We use the word too lightly. We very often use the word incorrectly.
Someone does not become a friend because you hang out with them a few times. Or even several times. Thats a buddy. Life will teach you this harsh lesson. Quickly! I could go on.... but what I'd rather do is speak of what makes a true friend.
A friend is a person who u feel a connection to. You can sometimes finish each others sentences. You and this person share your entire lives. Just about every aspect. You don't cultivate a friend through monetary entanglements. A friend is there in the good times and the bad. A friend is someone you can depend on emotionally. When a true friend enters your life it enriches it and makes it flourish. A friend in its truest form is a gift to be treasured and held close to your heart.
Why the need to explore this subject matter at this time you may ask?
I have recently opened my heart up to a few wonderful people who have fired a spark in me. I am inspired by the sincerity and calm these select people have brought into my world.
I remember watching an episode of Oprah (LOL) where her guest was promoting a book about learning when&how to let go. Learning how to determine when to say when. Knowing when there is a time for some personal inventory in ones life. Learning how to close the door to certain chapters in your life that are damaging and/or disruptive to your progress. After all, we are all a work in progress. Although doing so may not be popular to the people that fall into that category. Its essential to move forward thus giving us the opportunity to grow.
Well I have done such inventory, and it is the most freeing and liberating thing I have ever done in my life. This may seem to be a very self serving activity. And it is. Thats part of the lesson learned. Sometimes it's ok to be self serving and think about number one.
It's like an addict never having to use what ever his choice of poisin is to assuage what ever ails him again.
I am free.
I am Me.
Obama Wins!
Barak Obama has made history. He is the first black man to make it this far in the race for president in the United States. There is a lot of speculation to whether he can actually win it in the long run. There has been so much hype over the extremely close race he and Hilary Clinton have run, that I think people are not properly taking into consideration what a milestone this is. This has been the most exciting,diversified political race of my lifetime. And, it's not even over!
Just as much of a historic moment as Mr. Obama's win is, so is the fact that his fierce competitor was a woman. This is the most exciting political season ever. Period.
However, I don't think it's fair that Hilary is receiving so much negative press about not conceding Tuesday evening. It's been reported she will concede the following Saturday. Excuse me... but, whats the difference? She has run a strong & trailblazing race. I don't see the problem with waiting a few days to do it properly. She has received 18 million votes! She owes it to all those people who wanted her to be the nominee. Heck, she owes it to the party. This has to be done delicately and precisely. The ultimate goal is to get ALL of those 18 million voters to now stand behind Obama. Or as much of them as possible. If this is done correctly John McCain doesn't stand a chance.
This had proved to be the political race of a lifetime, with lots more to come.
Will there be a Omama-Clinton ticket Hmmmm...let's all stay tuned....
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Free Lunch by David Cay Johnston
The rich get richer. The poor get poorer. This is enough to make your blood boil.
This is a must read. Ever look at your bills and wonder where all these seemingly "out of nowhere" charges came from...this book supplies you with some answers. Write your congress person, make some noise. Makes your voices heard. Get off your ass and vote!
Miss Amy
I know everyone loves to let Miss Winehouse have it. I know the bitch has got issues but I love her with an endless love. Girlfriend can chirp like nobody's business. The music industry likes to have a favorite to pick on. Amy's the toast of the season. Well, more than just this season it seems. The Spears made a few appearances on an insipid comedy and got daddy to watch over her so the wolves are backing off of her... somewhat. Poor Amy can't get a break. I know the girl is a mess. Most all these damn singers are a mess...who are they fooling? Not me!
AM is just a big o shameless mess. Natalie Cole passing judgement saying she didn't deserve to be awarded for drug use. That bitch got nerve, big o drug addict that she is...and yes she still is one! Amy wasn't awarded for drug use. She won because she is madly talented and she wrote and had a hand in most all of her material. She didn't sing her dead father's old songs! Keep your head up Amy I love you girl.
And yes I posted a pic of her looking cute... even I balk at those fierce pics they keep throwing around of her. FYI: anyone can take a bad pic, they catch her at her worse.
Have you seen the untouched pictures of Madonna.... 1 word ...haggard!