An increasing amount of people who know me have been asking why haven't I written anything about Diana Ross since I've had this blog. If you really know me you know why they're asking. Well... the honest answer is she hasn't done anything noteworthy lately for me to talk about. It's no shade. I still lover her. I will always love her. Although I'm older & wiser and see a multitude of things about her I would not & could not see years ago.... she will always be Mother. Trust me without Diana there would be no Beyonce and a whole bunch of other bitches of whom I won't even mention. She has opened up doors that people truthfully have not given her proper credit for opening. The slight she receives in this manner is perhaps due in part the maniacal-super-uber-diva-bitch persona she personified in her heyday. But look how many have followed and surpassed her by leaps & bounds. Madonna is such a bitch it's almost useless calling her one, J-LO is a notorious cunt, just to name a very few. Could it be because Diana is a black woman? I know in this twisted P.C. world people hate to hear you bring race into it, but..... it is what is is. If you think race isn't an issue in this country your a full on asshole. I mean how dare she demand & expect the same standards her fairer skinned counter parts did in her could almost see it as one one of those pop-ups from Vh1 when ever her name was brought up. Or the fact that she didn't (doesn't) have one of the strongest voices like the other black girls at the time ie: Aretha,Gladys,Dionne. So white women can have beautiful lush pleasant voices, but this black woman from Motown not her, no...hmmmmm.
Not many people in music (woman or man) had the kind of presence this woman had. After growing into her voice, she lost the nasal rawness of her early days & she had this pretty, smooth, relatable yet very distinctive sound that proved perfect for ballads. Those classic songs can be heard all over at all times of day somewhere in the world. In the mid eighties she lost touch with what the masses wanted from her, but she had a long,long run. Longer than most. She is a legend. When you have done the kinds of things she has done and made the undeniable kind of impact in what ever your choice of fields is, no one can take that away from you. She will always be Diana Ross. She will always be Supreme. And we that know will always appreciate her.
here is a song of hers that inspired this, I had not heard it in years...
Wow Theres so much more to be said about her, but I really like the way you put that. Imprressive
and I havent heard Telephone in years either!
I love that song! It's right up there with MISSING YOU, another slow-cooker from that same era. --LB
LET ME TO KNOW IT!!!!!!!! That was spot on dead on O V A H !!!! My dear sister we share similar views about OUR Mother.... But having just seen her in concert this past May, I have a new perspective. And I am not trying to be negative or 'hate' as the kids say... but baby the magic is GONE. I will always love her for the light that she ignited in me, and for my career (LOL) but in the 08... you can fill in the blank. Well written, I adore you. HRHPD
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