Barak Obama has made history. He is the first black man to make it this far in the race for president in the United States. There is a lot of speculation to whether he can actually win it in the long run. There has been so much hype over the extremely close race he and Hilary Clinton have run, that I think people are not properly taking into consideration what a milestone this is. This has been the most exciting,diversified political race of my lifetime. And, it's not even over!
Just as much of a historic moment as Mr. Obama's win is, so is the fact that his fierce competitor was a woman. This is the most exciting political season ever. Period.
However, I don't think it's fair that Hilary is receiving so much negative press about not conceding Tuesday evening. It's been reported she will concede the following Saturday. Excuse me... but, whats the difference? She has run a strong & trailblazing race. I don't see the problem with waiting a few days to do it properly. She has received 18 million votes! She owes it to all those people who wanted her to be the nominee. Heck, she owes it to the party. This has to be done delicately and precisely. The ultimate goal is to get ALL of those 18 million voters to now stand behind Obama. Or as much of them as possible. If this is done correctly John McCain doesn't stand a chance.
This had proved to be the political race of a lifetime, with lots more to come.
Will there be a Omama-Clinton ticket Hmmmm...let's all stay tuned....
I hear you girl I go my fingers crossed!
I've been a democrat for years, So many years I can't count. But, I will not vote for Obama. If I can't have Hilary I will go with John MCCain
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