I was so nervous during my first listen of Grace Jones' new cd. I live, love and adore Miss Jones. But, lately the girls of her era have been not stepping up to the plate when it comes to new projects. So my expectations were askew. I didn't know what to expect. Well... much to my delight La Grace's new cd is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!
She far exceeded even my loftiest wishes. Girlfriend was not fucking around, she set out to make a true piece of art. You don't hear her trying to be something she not to get a hit song, just making good old solid music that will absolutely stand the test of time.
After hearing the first song released "Corporate Cannibal" I was afraid the whole album would sound like that...WRONG! While I did indeed like the song I didn't want a complete cd sounding like it. So many people these days are guilty of that.
Instead you get one of the most introspective varied albums shes ever done. She even does a ballad..something she hasn't really done since "I've Done It Again" from "Nightclubbing" Said song named "I'm Crying (Mother's Tears)" is one of the best on the album. As is "Williams' Blood"...what an amazing song this is. I can't stop listening to it. And then there's the fabulous "This Is' which starts with the lyric "This is my voice, my weapon of choice.."
Grace has proved that the girls of a certain age can still get in that studio and turn it the fuck out!
As a performer this woman gives me such inspiration. She has proven that talent is not something that fades. It cultivates with life experiences and gets richer and richer. This is by far the best album I have heard this year.
Thank You Miss Jones.
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