Jody Watley's latest release not only impressed me.. it turned me out. #1: I didn't know Miss thing had anything new out # 2: It's a whole lot better than that tired thing she last released...she murdered one of my all time favorite Chic songs "I Want You Love". The girls need to learn to leave a classic alone if you don't have anything interesting to bring to it. I would love to see more of the girls from the 80's make some noise today. Not literal noise, something that reminds you of why they are who they think they are (wink) I got a sneak listen to one of the new Labelle songs (hmmm....idk) but, I'm quite excited about this project. Fingers crossed...
This Jody ditty is cute. Who's next? It's a beautiful thing seeing the girls from my era prancing on the scene.....
Jody Watley's "A Beautiful Life"....

It's Brittany Bitch!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
....And You Know It!
Someone sent me this and I found it hilarious! I know racial humor is a touchy subject but what the hell.... you gotta see this. It's fucking funny! LOL
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
R Kelly Opens Up His Disgusting Mouth
I just watched R. Kelly give his first interview since being found innocent in his notorious sex-tape trail. BET (Black Entertainment Tom-foolery) is where this mockery of journalism took place. He was interviewed by BET staple Torre whom I love, that being the only thing tolerable about the entire interview. Kelly sat there if not dodging his questions, either out right lying ,making stupid lame excuses or just coming across as a complete illiterate asshole. It astounds me the poor command of the english language so many people have. And... he's a song writer? And that long in the tooth? Who helps writing these songs? Anyway.... Torre asked him out right if he liked young girls and he danced around that like Michael Jackson doing Billy Jean. Finally saying some bullshit like " how young? 19?"
He sat there with his overly jet black dyed hair, his face beat more than Joan Collins and talking more than shit than Bill O'Reilly. I don't know who he thought that was supposed to fool. The look in Torre's eyes while talking to him was one of annoyance & disgust. I myself found it assuming in a pathetic kind of way. I guess you can get away with anything if you have enough money. Talk about a pattern. We know about Aaliyah. We seen the tape. No one is THAT stupid.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
The Diana Effect
An increasing amount of people who know me have been asking why haven't I written anything about Diana Ross since I've had this blog. If you really know me you know why they're asking. Well... the honest answer is she hasn't done anything noteworthy lately for me to talk about. It's no shade. I still lover her. I will always love her. Although I'm older & wiser and see a multitude of things about her I would not & could not see years ago.... she will always be Mother. Trust me without Diana there would be no Beyonce and a whole bunch of other bitches of whom I won't even mention. She has opened up doors that people truthfully have not given her proper credit for opening. The slight she receives in this manner is perhaps due in part the maniacal-super-uber-diva-bitch persona she personified in her heyday. But look how many have followed and surpassed her by leaps & bounds. Madonna is such a bitch it's almost useless calling her one, J-LO is a notorious cunt, just to name a very few. Could it be because Diana is a black woman? I know in this twisted P.C. world people hate to hear you bring race into it, but..... it is what is is. If you think race isn't an issue in this country your a full on asshole. I mean how dare she demand & expect the same standards her fairer skinned counter parts did in her could almost see it as one one of those pop-ups from Vh1 when ever her name was brought up. Or the fact that she didn't (doesn't) have one of the strongest voices like the other black girls at the time ie: Aretha,Gladys,Dionne. So white women can have beautiful lush pleasant voices, but this black woman from Motown not her, no...hmmmmm.
Not many people in music (woman or man) had the kind of presence this woman had. After growing into her voice, she lost the nasal rawness of her early days & she had this pretty, smooth, relatable yet very distinctive sound that proved perfect for ballads. Those classic songs can be heard all over at all times of day somewhere in the world. In the mid eighties she lost touch with what the masses wanted from her, but she had a long,long run. Longer than most. She is a legend. When you have done the kinds of things she has done and made the undeniable kind of impact in what ever your choice of fields is, no one can take that away from you. She will always be Diana Ross. She will always be Supreme. And we that know will always appreciate her.
here is a song of hers that inspired this, I had not heard it in years...
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Boy George for Obama!
Boy George has made a song in support of Barack Obama. The artsy video with images of Amy Winehouse, Divine, David Bowie & others has hit the internet.
Question: Is he even allowed here in the good ole U S of A at the moment? I thought not... but nice anyway George. Obama needs all the support he can get at this time...
Palin's getting all the press. McCain who?
check the video...
Question: Is he even allowed here in the good ole U S of A at the moment? I thought not... but nice anyway George. Obama needs all the support he can get at this time...
Palin's getting all the press. McCain who?
check the video...
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Grand Ole Cleavage
I read this story about how disrespectful Jessica Simpson was for wearing inappropriate attire for her debut at the sacred Grand Ole Opry. Couldn't wait to see it to get a giggle. Then I saw it! They were complaining about her cleavage. Well...
She was dressed exceptionally modest compared to the tacky garish fare most those country chicks love to wear. And....complaining about cleavage? can anyone say Dolly Parton! I lover her, but lets be real! I would love to know who these people complaining are anyway... after seeing the video everyone seems to be enjoying the surprising modestly dressed Miss Simpson. Compared to the girls her or not, she is dressed very tasteful. If they don't want to welcome her then be big enough and say it, don't make shit up.
take a look and you decide...
She was dressed exceptionally modest compared to the tacky garish fare most those country chicks love to wear. And....complaining about cleavage? can anyone say Dolly Parton! I lover her, but lets be real! I would love to know who these people complaining are anyway... after seeing the video everyone seems to be enjoying the surprising modestly dressed Miss Simpson. Compared to the girls her or not, she is dressed very tasteful. If they don't want to welcome her then be big enough and say it, don't make shit up.
take a look and you decide...
Monday, September 8, 2008
The Britney Awards
Britney Spears cleaned up @ the 25th Anniversary of the MTV VMA's. She was thin,lucid and her normal gorgeous self.. She's Baaaaaack! lol. After having more than 15 nominations she took all major moon men a year after her horrific "Comeback" & when she doesn't even have a current single out. You go girl. And when she first came out before she even spoke she got a standing ovation! Wonder what Kanye is saying now lol. In an uncharacteristically tame telecast with probably the worst host in recent memory (Russell Brand) Brit-Brit stole the show... and didn't even perform. Pink, Christina Aguilera & Rihanna turned in nice performances. They cut Katy Perry who I was waiting to see! grrrrr
No Diana grabbing a tit, no Martha Stewart presenting with Busta, no Lesbo kiss?
The VMAs gave us ALL this production but it was kinda tired. Oh well.....
But it was the Britney Spears show.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Patti.... I love you!
I had been wanting to see a good concert for quite some time. A lot of the artists of today do great videos, but . . . . I was longing to see a good live show. A friend suggested we see Patti Labelle . It was free in the Wingate Field Park in Brooklyn. I was never a huge Patti fan... a big Labelle fan but not the former. Well from the moment miss thing hit that stage opening with Queen's " We Will Rock You" (yes, I gagged too!) she had me!!!! I saw her once before live @ MSG and although she was good, I was not floored. This time? This bitch turned me out so much I sat there in awe savoring every minute of her. She PERFORMED! The voice, the banter, the presence, the love she showed to this drunk fool who she by the way made a part of the show... she made you just want to run up there and give her a hug. It was if I was seeing her for the first time. I saw her with new eyes. The reality is that I most likely am responding to the more relaxed, more mature, serene incarnation of this undeniably very talented woman. Well, you got me Patti. Now... I'm just waiting for this Labelle reunion project to surface... coming this fall. I can't wait!
Yep I'm Getting Older!!!!
I ended my summer with a kick-ass Birthday party with a bunch of good friends, good booze and all kinds of fun @ the downtown Saturday night party Family on Ave. C. With my sisters... (pictured above) Princess Diandra, Codie Ravioli & Tobell Von Cartier. Starting with a highly charged performance from recording artist Tobell and a ditty from yours truly all in attendance felt the love and got their party on. I want to thank all my friends & new friends for coming out and making this birthday one to remember! Ooo I'm getting too old for this shit! Muah
Princess' Diandra & Brittany
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