I love this new song by Michelle Williams from Destiny's Child. Girlfriend has said good-bye to the gospel & hello to some divine dance music! It's called "We Break The Dawn" from her forthcoming full release "Unexpected". You go girl! I love you :-)

It's Brittany Bitch!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Jennifer Hudson's New Video!!!!!!!!!
Not only is this the great J-Huds new Video...it's her first ever! And, it's amazing, she looks amazing... you go girl!
Friday, June 20, 2008
My new addiction Last.fm
I kept reading about this site and finally popped in one day and was instantly hooked! If you are as into music as I am this may be the site for you. It's free (for now) and it has a database of music that I find endlessly entertaining. It's a UK-based internet radio and music community website. It offers numerous social networking features and can recommend and play artists similar to the users favorites. I sit at the computer rediscovering music I hadn't heard in ages. Check it out...warning it's ADDICTIVE! :-)
The 1st IKEA in NYC!
Yes IKEA has opened their first store in the greater New York City area. No more does city folk have to trek out to New Jersey, or Long Island to visit the store that most New Yorkers seem to adore. There is now a store in Redhook, Brooklyn. My friends and I went to the Grand Opening. Spent lots of money and stood on many a line (sigh). It was quite an affair, all kinds of Brooklyn politicians were at hand for the opening, they were giving out free gifts... you get the idea. Welcome to the city IKEA!
I Just Luv Me Some Whoopi
Whoopi Goldberg hosted The Tony's this past weekend in NYC. She was in rare form. She was the Whoopi I always loved, the Whoopi that in my opinion doesn't get the chance to really shine on The View. The Whoopster is the only reason watching The View has become must-see tv for me these days. I must admit she does quite a good job on there dealing with the madness that is Elizabeth Hasselbeck. And although I really like her the oddness that is Sherry Shepherd . And, not only was Whoopi funny & whimsical & the wonderful Whoopi we all fell in love with, she looked FABULOUS! That fierce kid from Project Runway Christian Siriano whipped her in to fashionable shape and had her looking the most stylish she ever has! She even had on gorgeous shoes! You go Whoopi... I love you!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
I got a call this afternoon from a friend in distress over a "friend" of his. He was telling me that they are in the middle of a fight. He is feeling bad about hurtful things they said to one another. And, his "friend" has supposedly written him off as he calls it. He's driving himself crazy trying to figure out what to do, how to make peace. Finding the right words to say to this person to make him realize they should stop wasting precious time and get past it all.
He went on to tell me how this "friend" has been bad mouthing him to mutual friends, and bringing up things thought to be resolved from the past.
He wanted my advice as how to handle it.
Well I wrote a blog a while back somewhere else and I thought it was a good time to resurrect it.
Reading it once again reminded me of a few things myself . I'll share it here....
What an interesting word "friend" is.
We use the word too lightly. We very often use the word incorrectly.
Someone does not become a friend because you hang out with them a few times. Or even several times. Thats a buddy. Life will teach you this harsh lesson. Quickly! I could go on.... but what I'd rather do is speak of what makes a true friend.
A friend is a person who u feel a connection to. You can sometimes finish each others sentences. You and this person share your entire lives. Just about every aspect. You don't cultivate a friend through monetary entanglements. A friend is there in the good times and the bad. A friend is someone you can depend on emotionally. When a true friend enters your life it enriches it and makes it flourish. A friend in its truest form is a gift to be treasured and held close to your heart.
Why the need to explore this subject matter at this time you may ask?
I have recently opened my heart up to a few wonderful people who have fired a spark in me. I am inspired by the sincerity and calm these select people have brought into my world.
I remember watching an episode of Oprah (LOL) where her guest was promoting a book about learning when&how to let go. Learning how to determine when to say when. Knowing when there is a time for some personal inventory in ones life. Learning how to close the door to certain chapters in your life that are damaging and/or disruptive to your progress. After all, we are all a work in progress. Although doing so may not be popular to the people that fall into that category. Its essential to move forward thus giving us the opportunity to grow.
Well I have done such inventory, and it is the most freeing and liberating thing I have ever done in my life. This may seem to be a very self serving activity. And it is. Thats part of the lesson learned. Sometimes it's ok to be self serving and think about number one.
It's like an addict never having to use what ever his choice of poisin is to assuage what ever ails him again.
I am free.
I am Me.
He went on to tell me how this "friend" has been bad mouthing him to mutual friends, and bringing up things thought to be resolved from the past.
He wanted my advice as how to handle it.
Well I wrote a blog a while back somewhere else and I thought it was a good time to resurrect it.
Reading it once again reminded me of a few things myself . I'll share it here....
What an interesting word "friend" is.
We use the word too lightly. We very often use the word incorrectly.
Someone does not become a friend because you hang out with them a few times. Or even several times. Thats a buddy. Life will teach you this harsh lesson. Quickly! I could go on.... but what I'd rather do is speak of what makes a true friend.
A friend is a person who u feel a connection to. You can sometimes finish each others sentences. You and this person share your entire lives. Just about every aspect. You don't cultivate a friend through monetary entanglements. A friend is there in the good times and the bad. A friend is someone you can depend on emotionally. When a true friend enters your life it enriches it and makes it flourish. A friend in its truest form is a gift to be treasured and held close to your heart.
Why the need to explore this subject matter at this time you may ask?
I have recently opened my heart up to a few wonderful people who have fired a spark in me. I am inspired by the sincerity and calm these select people have brought into my world.
I remember watching an episode of Oprah (LOL) where her guest was promoting a book about learning when&how to let go. Learning how to determine when to say when. Knowing when there is a time for some personal inventory in ones life. Learning how to close the door to certain chapters in your life that are damaging and/or disruptive to your progress. After all, we are all a work in progress. Although doing so may not be popular to the people that fall into that category. Its essential to move forward thus giving us the opportunity to grow.
Well I have done such inventory, and it is the most freeing and liberating thing I have ever done in my life. This may seem to be a very self serving activity. And it is. Thats part of the lesson learned. Sometimes it's ok to be self serving and think about number one.
It's like an addict never having to use what ever his choice of poisin is to assuage what ever ails him again.
I am free.
I am Me.
Obama Wins!
Barak Obama has made history. He is the first black man to make it this far in the race for president in the United States. There is a lot of speculation to whether he can actually win it in the long run. There has been so much hype over the extremely close race he and Hilary Clinton have run, that I think people are not properly taking into consideration what a milestone this is. This has been the most exciting,diversified political race of my lifetime. And, it's not even over!
Just as much of a historic moment as Mr. Obama's win is, so is the fact that his fierce competitor was a woman. This is the most exciting political season ever. Period.
However, I don't think it's fair that Hilary is receiving so much negative press about not conceding Tuesday evening. It's been reported she will concede the following Saturday. Excuse me... but, whats the difference? She has run a strong & trailblazing race. I don't see the problem with waiting a few days to do it properly. She has received 18 million votes! She owes it to all those people who wanted her to be the nominee. Heck, she owes it to the party. This has to be done delicately and precisely. The ultimate goal is to get ALL of those 18 million voters to now stand behind Obama. Or as much of them as possible. If this is done correctly John McCain doesn't stand a chance.
This had proved to be the political race of a lifetime, with lots more to come.
Will there be a Omama-Clinton ticket Hmmmm...let's all stay tuned....
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Free Lunch by David Cay Johnston
The rich get richer. The poor get poorer. This is enough to make your blood boil.
This is a must read. Ever look at your bills and wonder where all these seemingly "out of nowhere" charges came from...this book supplies you with some answers. Write your congress person, make some noise. Makes your voices heard. Get off your ass and vote!
Miss Amy
I know everyone loves to let Miss Winehouse have it. I know the bitch has got issues but I love her with an endless love. Girlfriend can chirp like nobody's business. The music industry likes to have a favorite to pick on. Amy's the toast of the season. Well, more than just this season it seems. The Spears made a few appearances on an insipid comedy and got daddy to watch over her so the wolves are backing off of her... somewhat. Poor Amy can't get a break. I know the girl is a mess. Most all these damn singers are a mess...who are they fooling? Not me!
AM is just a big o shameless mess. Natalie Cole passing judgement saying she didn't deserve to be awarded for drug use. That bitch got nerve, big o drug addict that she is...and yes she still is one! Amy wasn't awarded for drug use. She won because she is madly talented and she wrote and had a hand in most all of her material. She didn't sing her dead father's old songs! Keep your head up Amy I love you girl.
And yes I posted a pic of her looking cute... even I balk at those fierce pics they keep throwing around of her. FYI: anyone can take a bad pic, they catch her at her worse.
Have you seen the untouched pictures of Madonna.... 1 word ...haggard!
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