It's Brittany Bitch!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Cyndi is 'Into The Nightlife'

Its nearly a year later and I still have Cyndi Lauper's 'Into The Nightlife' in my heavy rotation. I remember when I first read that Cyn was going to do a dance album. I was wasn't sure if that was such a smart idea. So many of these artists of a certain age who venture to take on this genre of music fail considerably to me. Madonna has sold doing so, but the music itself is very questionable. I don't like honestly. The incredible Cher was even very successful for a while with it.
Well, I'm happy to say Cyndi proved me wrong. 54 at the time, she made a good solid album that transcended what her counterparts had produced. Songs that made you want to dance yet still were songs of substance. Of course she didn't sell as well as the other fluff, but that's just the way it goes. This was one of her best albums notwithstanding the genre. Quality always wins out in my book.
One of the shinning moment's is the second single 'Into The Nightlife'.
It is Perfection.

Into The Nightlife: