It's Brittany Bitch!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Grace is causing a Hurricane


I was so nervous during my first listen of Grace Jones' new cd. I live, love and adore Miss Jones. But, lately the girls of her era have been not stepping up to the plate when it comes to new projects. So my expectations were askew. I didn't know what to expect. Well... much to my delight La Grace's new cd is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!
She far exceeded even my loftiest wishes. Girlfriend was not fucking around, she set out to make a true piece of art. You don't hear her trying to be something she not to get a hit song, just making good old solid music that will absolutely stand the test of time.
After hearing the first song released "Corporate Cannibal" I was afraid the whole album would sound like that...WRONG! While I did indeed like the song I didn't want a complete cd sounding like it. So many people these days are guilty of that.
Instead you get one of the most introspective varied albums shes ever done. She even does a ballad..something she hasn't really done since "I've Done It Again" from "Nightclubbing" Said song named "I'm Crying (Mother's Tears)" is one of the best on the album. As is "Williams' Blood"...what an amazing song this is. I can't stop listening to it. And then there's the fabulous "This Is' which starts with the lyric "This is my voice, my weapon of choice.."
Grace has proved that the girls of a certain age can still get in that studio and turn it the fuck out!
As a performer this woman gives me such inspiration. She has proven that talent is not something that fades. It cultivates with life experiences and gets richer and richer. This is by far the best album I have heard this year.
Thank You Miss Jones.

It's a new day...a beautiful day!

Barack Obama is the new President! It is difficult to express in words ones feelings being of color in America and having the privilege to experience this ground breaking event. It is something all Americans will surely never forget and tell their kids & grand kids about. But it is particularly a moment of reflection and redemption for people of color who perhaps never thought whey would witness this in their lifetime. This is one of those moments where you will always remember exactly where you were and what you were doing when it became official that Barack Obama had officially become our President. People were rejoicing in the streets here and abroad. A feeling of disbelief and utter euphoria rushed over me simultaneously. Right away I thought of Martin Luther King looking down somewhere and feeling as a sense of supreme accomplishment. I felt like finally his death TRULY was not in vain.
I can truthfully say America The Beautiful now and feel as though I mean it.
We are on our way.

Labelle: Back to Now

Patti Labelle reunites with Sarah Dash & Nona Hendrix. After 30 years. I was so eagerly awaiting this project. After going to see them at their signing at Splash in NYC and listening to the cd several times over I am left less than inspired. Patti is in good voice as usual and it was exciting to hear the girls harmonizing again. But! The cd is very lack luster. I think the problem lies in some of the choices in producers. Working with Wyclef Jean didn't produce anything exciting or memorable. The song "Roll Out" for instance sounds contrived and unworthy of the talents of these ladies. It seems working with him was an effort to be relevant or hip, neither was accomplished. Lenny Kravitz and his sensibilities seems to work much better with who they are. The selections with Kravitz are some of the best on the album.
It's a fairly decent cd that should have been a stellar comeback. As a fan of these ladies I'm glad to have it...but all this does is make me hope for another album where they really get it right.